HOMECompany Company Our People

Our People

Our People

For CPI, human resources are at the core of its operations. One of the key pillars of its Vision is to create an environment, focused on its people, in which their skills are recognized and developed, making them feel proud for their contribution.

To achieve this:

  • It provides working conditions based on the safety and health of its people in an organized and friendly environment. It takes all necessary facility security measures (fire safety, security technician, use of certified elevators, etc.), has an occupational physician and offers additional medical care.
  • It provides a fair and meritorious pay system. The company's remuneration system is based solely on the qualifications and performance of the employees and is not linked in any way to criteria unrelated to them.
  • It provides education and training programs aimed at the continuous improvement and development of their skills and the provision of high-quality work. Specifically:

             - organizes training and coaching programs for managers

             - organizes seminars to improve knowledge and develop skills

             - funds academic programs

             - organizes programs to update technical knowledge and obtain certificates

  • It implements policies against exclusion and discrimination in the recruitment and development of its employees. The recruitment, training and development of employees are subject to the principle of meritocracy and are completely disconnected from criteria based on their gender, race, age, religion or sexual orientation.
  • It organizes celebrations for its people and their families in order to strengthen the feeling of community and solidarity between the employees and the company. It informs and sensitizes the company's employees on issues related to violence and harassment in the workplace, with the aim of identifying, preventing and dealing with them.


If you are interested in working at CPI, you can view the open jobs here or send us your CV by clicking here.